Increase Communication and Collaboration
Calendar is an essential skill in the process of learning and one of the core tools required for Google Educators. To effectively teach your students, you’ll need to understand how Calendar is applied for teaching and learning. To begin, review this lesson and complete the video.
You will learn:
- How to increase communication and collaboration amongst all members of the school community
A calendar can be created with Google Calendar to mirror the information usually printed in a school academic calendar. This could include events such as:
- First/last days of classes
- School vacations
- Finals/mid-term weeks
- Teacher in-service days
Creating a school-wide academic calendar is done in the same way as creating any secondary calendar. The sharing settings for a school-wide academic calendar will be very broad.
Using Google Calendar for class projects and as a student
Sometimes it can be helpful to separate long-term project assignments from the general class schedule. For example, if there is an end-of-year research paper and presentation, it might be helpful to have a separate “Research project” calendar that has all the due dates and milestones for the project. Then the project calendar can be viewed on its own. It is easy to find the information because it won’t get lost in all the events scheduled in the class calendar.
Another example of a way you could use a special project calendar is when working on a group project. Group members can collaborate and share a calendar together so everyone can have access to the project meeting times, project deadlines and milestones, and other project related activities (going out to do a survey/market research, conducting an interview, etc).
The use of Calendar for class projects is fairly identical to how students can equally save time and become more efficient and successful learners. Check out this teacher-built video to learn more.
Now watch the following Video Tutorial:
Reference: GOOGLE
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